Widget ImagePepper In Metal Hammer

September 13, 2013


Check out the Masterclass with Pepper in the latest issue of Metal Hammer.  Here’s a sample from the interview



An Audience with Metal’s Visionaries
MasterclassDOWN and Corrosion of Conformity’s Pepper Keenan sure knows a thing or two about riffs.  Voodoo Six guitarist Chris Jones quizzes his hero.



Chris Jones: So you’ve probably influenced thousands of guitar players over the years.  So tell us your secret: how do you write all those legendary riffs?



Pepper Keenan: “There are so many fluctuations with writing music.  I’ve literally gotten riffs from chirping birds before.  Even hearing random noises from a construction site nearby.  Usually it jumps from a tempo or some kind of beat and I’ll just go off of that.  Sometimes you’ll have vocals in your head first, so already you’re thinking melodically.  Basically, if I can remember it in my head without having to record it, it’s probably pretty good.  And I think if it sticks in my head, it’ll probably stick in other people’s heads!”



PIck up the new issue and check out the full interview!



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